Emma Taylor, Head of the Goughs Solicitors Private Client department recognises the importance of supporting our community through these challenging times. Many of the people wishing to access Will writing services as well as other Private Client services at this time will be among the elderly and more vulnerable members of the Wiltshire community. Many people have already made the sensible decision to self-isolate making access to these services in the usual ways difficult.
The robust IT infrastructure at Goughs Solicitors has enabled staff to take instructions through mediums other than face to face meetings, such as Facetime, Skype or even Whatsapp Video meaning clients can stay safe in the comfort of their own home.
However, there are some circumstances when a lawyer will require contact with the client, whether to confirm instructions in person or to witness the signing of a document.

Emma Taylor, Head of the Goughs Solicitors Private Client department recognises the importance of supporting our community through these challenging times. Many of the people wishing to access Will writing services as well as other Private Client services at this time will be among the elderly and more vulnerable members of the Wiltshire community. Many people have already made the sensible decision to self-isolate making access to these services in the usual ways difficult.
The robust IT infrastructure at Goughs Solicitors has enabled staff to take instructions through mediums other than face to face meetings, such as Facetime, Skype or even Whatsapp Video meaning clients can stay safe in the comfort of their own home.
However, there are some circumstances when a lawyer will require contact with the client, whether to confirm instructions in person or to witness the signing of a document.
We asked Emma why it is so important to make a Will?
1. Make a Will to provide for your loved ones
By making a Will you can ensure that any specific intentions you have for your home, money or possessions are carried out in accordance with your wishes, avoiding unnecessary difficulties for grieving family and friends.
If you die without a Will, your estate will be distributed according to strict rules meaning the people you love may lose out.
Unmarried partners and partners who have not registered a civil partnership cannot inherit from each other unless there’s a Will so the death of a partner may create serious financial problems for the remaining partner.
2. Make a Will to maximise any inheritance
If you are concerned about your financial legacy and the taxes your estate might be exposed to, we can evaluate your estate and your exposure and ensure that you are fully aware of the tax implications to any intentions you have for your Will. If necessary, then advising on tax or estate planning which they feel is appropriate to you.
3. Make a Will with professional guidance for real peace of mind
Our Solicitors for the Elderly members have undertaken specific assessments to ensure that they understand the issues facing the elderly and vulnerable and can provide advice in an informed, empathetic and individual way. They are dedicated to putting people at ease when discussing complex and important issues with a plain English approach.
Please email info@goughs.co.uk to get in touch with the Private client team today to find out more on how we will support you or a loved one during these challenging times.