Goughs Bank Details
Goughs Lawyers LLP Account
Handelsbanken Plc
Client Acc No: 66765010
Sort Code: 40-51-62
IBAN: GB18HAND40516266765010
Please also ensure to quote our reference and client name.
Please Note
Please be aware that Handelsbanken are in the process of signing up to the new Bank Verification Security Scheme but are not yet members. Therefore you may receive a warning message when making bank transfer payments to us. The message may say “Unable to check details. We cannot check the details you entered as the payees’ bank doesn’t offer this service”.
You can still proceed with the payment but please ensure that you have verified our bank details with us and that you have entered the details correctly before proceeding with any payment.
If you are at all concerned, please do not hesitate to contact us.