Introduction of VAT on school fees from January 2025 may have an impact on divorcing couples in the following ways:
- Financial Settlements – being priced out of schools and this causing problems particularly with geography and area which may affect house purchase decisions etc.
- There may be insufficient capital to continue with the education of one or more of the children in private education.
- Already negotiated financial orders may require variation on the basis of unaffordability. This may again affect choice of location and school.
- Child Arrangements – due to potential unaffordability, decisions regarding choice of school or continuation of education in private school may require negotiation or a court application if the other parent does not agree.
How can Goughs help?
As family law solicitors we can provide you with tailored and specific advice regarding any of the issues raised above. If you need any further advice, get in touch with one of our family lawyers who can assist with answering any questions that you may have.