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Wealth protection with pre and post nuptial agreements

Retrofitting Electric Vehicle Charging Points– Is a License to Alter necessary?

Understanding tenant costs in a commercial lease

Tax planning for farming families

Gifting property to children: the tax implications

The importance of Heads of Terms

The benefits of employing people vs using contractors

What is the government’s family mediation voucher scheme?

Simple guide to succession planning for your farming business

What is the difference between a lease and a licence?

Do you need probate if you have a small estate?

Why are men often overlooked as victims of domestic abuse?

What is the annual gift allowance?

Choosing a solicitor to be your power of attorney

A guide to TOLATA and unmarried couple rights

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Legal Implications of the Autumn Budget

Learn about how the UK Autumn budget will affect areas such as tax, corporate and employment law, residential and commercial property, and personal financial planning.