Trusted solicitors based in Melksham

If you are looking for a solicitor in Melksham you can find our office below.

Local law firm in Melksham

Our experienced solicitors in Melksham provide a full range of legal services including business legal advice, divorce & separation, sector specialisms, employment law and more. Across our full range of legal services we have a team of lawyers dedicated to each area. Our family team can help you with any family matters you may have, whilst our future planning team can help protect you and your family and provide certainty for the future.

With over 100 legal experts who can assist you with any legal service you require. If you would like to speak to one team in Melksham you can call us on 01225 703036 or if you would like to visit us please see the location details below.


Goughs Solicitors
5 Bath Road
SN12 6LN

Telephone: 01225 703036
Fax: 08451 274747

Opening hours: 9:00am - 5:15pm
Out of hours appointments may be available on request

Our clients rate us excellent​

Who are Goughs Solicitors?

Goughs provide legal services across the South West of England and have 7 offices across the region including our Melksham office. Our mission is to provide excellent, trusted and truly personal legal services. How we do this is simple – we are committed to our clients, our people and our communities.

Whether you require legal services for you, your family or your business, you can rest assured that with our Melksham team of expert lawyers, you will receive high quality legal advice, tailored to meet your needs.

Chalk white horse in Wiltshire

Providing law services in Melksham

From our Melksham office we have a team of expert solicitors who can help you with:
  • Home & Property
  • Relationships, Divorce & Children
  • Wills & Powers of Attorney
  • Probate
  • Future Planning
  • Employment
  • Corporate & Commercial
  • Real Estate
  • Specialisms

Meet Your Melksham Team


Associate Chartered Legal Executive


Associate (FILCEx)


Associate Chartered Legal Executive


Associate (FILCEx)


Associate Chartered Legal Executive


Associate (FILCEx)

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